My Parents and sisters and brother: Hai and Van Pham, Patricia and Pro Goswami, Duy Pham and Emily Burrell, and Oanh Pham
Hi mom and dad and siblings. Thank you for helping my family through this: from your contacts in the medical field to the food you have provided for my family. It’s amazing to see how we have diverged in our lives but still come back to help support when one is in dire need. Your support and concern have been abundant, and I can’t thank you enough to help me through this incredibly arduous journey to survival.
Shout out to my mom who now witnesses my second face to face with mortality. She was the one that had to carry a terribly ill baby to a refugee camp in 1979 as we escaped from Vietnam; knowing that if I perished, for herself (plus my other 2 siblings) to survive she would have to toss me over the boat. Don’t worry Momma, you taught me to fight then, and I will continue to fight now. I know how painful it is to watch your child in harm’s way now. I promise I will do whatever is in my power to prevent that in the future as I fight for a new kidney and to keep my heart healthy.
My Work: Rick Snyder, Fred Singer, Don Oleski, Jim Charlton, Adam Vozzo, and Jim Burke et al.
Rick Snyder: Your generosity is astounding. Most don’t know the details of my troubles, but you give without questions asked. You are constantly concerned and wanting to know what else you can do. Your heart and empathy shadow your ego. It’s no wonder you are in the upper echelon of your position and industry. Thank you, kind sir, for everything and your continued support and concern.
Fred Singer: When I tell people Singer Equipment is like a family, no one really believes me. It really shines when there are problems because family is there when you need them. From helping Helene and Henry to guiding Julie, Lily and Isaac with their phones, it’s been an honor to be part of your literal family. Thank you for the flowers and clothes for Seneca. I never really got a chance to say that with all that’s going on. I owe you some pictures of Seneca who is growing like no other. You are a CEO/President that takes time to know everyone that works at Singer. You care about everyone that works for you and that’s unheard of these days.
Don Oleski: I can only assume that you see yourself in me. As a fellow “all girl-Dad” you understand the nuances of the female mind. Your skill set matches mine and you are also going through some health issues. Your generosity in support of my family is awe-inspiring. I’ve known some coworkers for over 2 decades and understand their loyalty and generosity. I’ve known you for 2 years, but you match their generosity and support without blinking an eye. I can’t thank you enough for what you have provided and allowing me to not even worry about work during my recoveries. You also kept me focused on why I need to fight on: my own girls that depend on me and need me to be around. You made that abundantly clear for me when it was darkest.
Jim Charlton: We have had our differences throughout the decades of working together, but that’s what happens with family. When either of us are dealing with something major, you know you can count on each other to help out. Your generosity in providing for my family is simply grand. You just want to help no matter what the situation may be. I admire that about you. I’m trying to be “like water”. Thank you for keeping me focused on this.
Adam Vozzo: Many thanks for setting up this site and communicating to the rest of Singer on my status. Not only are you my work peer, but you are also my close friend who I will be indebted to for life. You have done so much to support my family and me, and you are eager to do more. I cannot thank you enough for what you have already done but will do in the future.
To my Team: Kevin, Peter, and Greg – it’s difficult when the team lead disappears for 5 months. After reading the above I’m hoping you understand why. You guys are tasked with the stability, progression, and security of Singer IT. This is a huge responsibility that hundreds of people are depending on. Thank you for keeping up the good fight and please rely on Don for guidance. His experience and knowledge will be invaluable to keep you guys going.
Others at Singer Equipment Company: Thank you for your well-wishes and inquiries to help like Jim Burke, Eric Schwartz and others. Sorry I haven’t responded; I’ve been fighting so I can stick around for a bit. Adam and Don have relayed to me the swell of support from our Singer family. It warms my heart that so many care and want to help. The process to get better is sometimes isolating. Knowing that there’s a group of people wishing me well helps a ton.
My Friends: Adam Vozzo and Megan Rose Wieder, Beth and Brian Rehm
Adam Vozzo and Megan Rose Wieder: My family wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for you two. Who knew that going to Megan’s birthday party on that fateful July evening would cascade down a happy marriage and two beautiful children. That’s where I met Marissa, my current everything and support. Megan has been the doula for both our daughters, her sister was our midwife, and Adam has been my close friend and confidant. I couldn’t make it through this without either of their help. Your continuous support is not only necessary, but it also sustains us to keep on going. It hasn’t been easy, but your support makes it just a tinge better.
Beth and Brian Rehm: Thank you for keeping me from being a hermit. Your outreach has always been needed and understanding when it doesn’t work out is magnanimous. You guys are always there when needed and thanks for always for keeping me linked to our friends. I was never good at it, and I can’t thank you enough to keep the connections alive.
I’m grateful for the friends that I have made along the way. People that I know will help with just a mere request, a loyalty and friendship that I hardly deserve. People like James and Emily Trang, Eric and Amy McChesney, Scott and Michele Glassman, and many more. They are somewhat closer to me than my blood family and it’s amazing we’ve made it through all these years. Well friends, I need your help now. Raise your horns and let people know I need help. The kidney donor match is what I need to stick around. I need to be around for my girls and your friendship will facilitate that. Thank you in advance and know I appreciate anything and everything you can provide.
One response to “My Thanks”
Dear Ti and Marissa, I just read your story, as a retired RN I can relate to all the procedures you have endured. I am relieved you are healing and enjoying time w your beautiful girls. Marissa, you are amazing caring for your husband and children. You are in my prayers. Sending love from Kempton!
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