My Wife: Marissa Pham
My darling wife, you are my source of strength and support. I could not get through all of this without you. Your devotion to our daughters is unquestioned and you having to care for them as I mend is the strongest I have ever seen you. Not only have you taken care of them impeccably, but you have also taken care of me. As my body falls apart, you keep things moving to keep it all together. My love for you has never been stronger and my admiration of your motherhood has no bounds. I love you, my dear Rza. Please know you are my everything. Thank you for helping me fight and keeping me in our family’s future.
Our first daughter: Isadora Pham
Izi bear! I love you my baby girl! It must be scary to see papa in and out of the hospital and treatment. It must be all so confusing, seeing mama nervous and concerned for papa. I hate that you must go through this as I just want you to be a kid and have carefree days of fun, curiosity, and growth. Just know every time I see your face, it keeps the fight in me going. Knowing I need to be around for you as you grow and progress through life is a major motivation for me to go through all the treatments and procedures to get healthy and survive. Keep your amazing imagination going. You remind me so much of myself: rebellious, pragmatic with a sharp memory.
Our second daughter: Seneca Pham
Seni Beni! My bright eyes baby, I love you so much. I can’t believe how perfect you have been in every aspect including health, eating, sleeping, and growth. I joke that I took all the medical issues from you as you progress through life. I would take that deal anytime. Know I would give whatever I can to make sure you are continually healthy and happy. You are my latest motivation to keep on fighting, as I need to be around to see how magically uncomplicated your growth should be. I long to be able to hold you again. I can’t wait for the surgery restrictions to be removed so I can do so. Keep lighting up the room with your beaming smile and your infectious coo.
One response to “My Motivation”
Your kids are adorable. You’re in my prayers. I read everything about you. I can empathize with the open heart surgery; I had a double bypass (10 years ago Dec 5th) much to my surprise. I also had a stroke this past August and miraculously came through it virtually unscathed. I’ll keep an eye out for any possible kidney transplant opportunities. Gold bless!
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