Thank you friends and family for your ongoing support and patience awaiting this update:
- 388 days after my first emergency hospitalization and diagnosis of end-stage renal failure;
- 3 surgeries to chart new access to provide life-saving dialysis treatment;
- 1 open heart surgery resulting in double bypass surgery and a hemorrhage scare;
- approximately 165 dialysis sessions (55 weeks x3 times per week) hooked up for 4.5 hours to a machine that filters toxins from my blood;
- several exploratory procedures and countless prerequisite clearance evaluations, only to be recently added to the donor waitlist (a standard 9 year wait when no living donor is available);
- innumerable hours coordinating efficient scheduling and expedited services, this unyielding advocacy by my supportive caregiver & wife, Marissa;
- with endless giggles from our baby daughter Seneca, now 1 year young, and hugs from her sweet and strong 6 year old sister Isadora, that motivate us onwards…
And, most remarkably, 1 incredibly Altruistic Living Donor, an extraordinary man named Dana — of New Hampshire and a member of the Army National Guard — who will present us with his gift of life.
I had recently been asked to provide to Jefferson Hospital a blood sample in the hopes of cross-matching with a potential unnamed donor, to our surprise, from out-of-state.
Dana first met my wife Marissa (and daughters) when their mutual friend Victoria requested they meet in Philadelphia, as she and Dana would be in town for the day. Marissa took the girls on their first train ride and made an adventure of the day, planning to meet her friend in Chinatown and sharing a traditional Vietnamese meal. Turns out, Dana (prior to this moment, a stranger to our family) was in town for his medical work-up at Jefferson to be considered as my living donor, and Victoria would be his caregiver post-op!

This image was captured of Marissa, carrying our baby Seneca, in tears when she met Dana and learned he wanted to donate to me. They spent that day between medical appointments getting to know one another, and a friendship has since developed.
Given a second chance to donate, Dana lost his own cousin to renal failure while in the process of considering organ donation. Now, he can gift me a second chance at a longer life with my girls!
After many months of hospital visits and unexpected additional clearances, I finally had the privilege of meeting Dana only two weeks ago!

Officially cleared as a Living Donor/Recipient Match, I am grateful to share that Kidney Transplant is scheduled to occur this Thursday November 21st, with several days hospitalization to follow. Life-long immunosuppressant medications and health checks will ensure my body accepts this gracious new gift!
Many generous friends have asked how they can help post-transplant. I will remain on a structured kidney health diet, wherein meals (while appreciated) involve restrictions. If you remain inclined to donate, kindly consider donating via PayPal @phamist (you will see my photo) or via Venmo also @phamist to be utilized for groceries towards meals and other needs for our growing girls!
Please keep us close as we anticipate newfound health and well-being for our Pham family